A few weeks ago a friend of mine spotted a young homeless woman on the side of the road. To protect her identity, let’s call her J. She was weak, on crutches (barely able to stand), and probably weighed 20 kilograms. The sight was heartbreaking. After a few days, we went looking for J. When we found her she pleaded for help and we promised that we will find her help, somehow.
Helping a homeless heroin addict is tricky and is very costly, but finding the right people is crucial. A plea on social media soon led to a group of people that were dedicated to helping this woman.
J was found again in the same place she said she would be, and we shared the good news of help to get out of this desperate situation that has become her daily reality. She then told us that she has a brother who is paralyzed, and she is taking care of him and cannot just leave him. We asked to meet her brother, to see what we could do. We bought him jelly (because he couldn’t eat anymore) and went to where she left him. When we arrived, she called out his name, over and over. But… he was dead…. horribly so. We tried to find a pulse, but it was pretty obvious… words cannot describe her face as all she kept saying was: “he’s all I have”.
It is evident that J and her brother both had the most tragic lives on the street, and she took care of him best she could. But… Heroin doesn’t give a crap! Her brother is dead and his end wasn’t pretty. At this point, J is safe and we believe that she doesn’t have to die. We believe that there is hope, that maybe she can be okay, and that her brother’s death was not for nothing.
There is a long road ahead. Years of living on the street have taken its toll on her physically, medically, and emotionally. J will have to undergo detox in a facility, medical treatment that includes a hip replacement, and counselling. She is just one woman in a horrendous pit that is the homeless addict community… but she is one person that now has a chance. A chance her brother didn’t have.
A local detox centre has offered and sponsored 5 days complimentary treatment for J because they recognize the URGENCY and believe there is hope — SO DO WE! With a sponsor, she has been able to stay at the treatment clinic for a few days longer, but the cost of full rehabilitation is enormous.
J has gone through hell, lost her brother to this horrible lifestyle, and has somehow survived severe withdrawals so far. She stayed positive and kept hoping, despite all the setbacks. Thus far, the major discouragement has been trying to get clean without the money that makes rehabilitation possible.
We might not win the war, but we can win one addict at the time.
***J allowed us to post this photo because she so desperately wants to get help. She is aware that her situation is as a result of addiction. Let’s help her fight the stigma attached to this disease.
Please share J’s story with your friends and family.
Help her get the support she so desperately wants and needs by donating!