Hi All,
My Name is Baileys the Basset. On the 18th of April, I will be turning 11 years old! My folks tell me I am their joy & light. They adopted me when I was just a runt at 8 weeks old. We have never spent one day apart. I go everywhere with them. Oh, the places I have seen in my 11 years. I love food, the beach, Car trips and sleep, although mom says I snore (I don’t believe her because I am a LADY!). 2017 was kind of a tough year for us as Dad lost a lot of his contract work & mom got retrenched. It was touch and go for a while; I tried to help out by burying my hoof treats so they would last me longer.
This year my mom started a new job. Since January I have been getting the occasional tickle in my throat. Yesterday, mom said I had to go see my doggie doctor. After the horrid lady stuck me three times & hours of waiting, she came back and spoke to mom quietly. Mom started crying and dad hugged me tightly. On the way we stopped at the beach and there in my favourite place, where I was, my calmest and happiest, they explained what Lymphoma was and that I was to begin treatment for it. Mom scratched my belly and told me not to worry, they would move heaven and earth for their perfect fur baby.
You see mom and dad chose to have dogs instead of kids and help rescue bassets all over SA by assisting with fostering and funding when they can. They say it was me that inspired them to do this.
Mom is still crying and I have heard them whispering about doggie doctor bills. As I like to think I am a big girl now, I want to try help and as I don’t have thumbs, finding work might be difficult, so I will campaign with my cuteness.
Please help me raise funds to help my parents pay for my medicine over the next few months.