My brother is a 19 year old student. I cannot begin to explain how much I admire his will to succeed. During his Matric year he changed schools, relocated 100km away from home in order to attend the new school, ALONE, with no one to check up on him or make sure that he does what he’s supposed to, and he still managed to get his Private Pilot License (PPL) whilst he was writing his Final Exams and passed Matric with more than one distinction.
Currently, he is working 2 jobs trying to help my Mother cover his rent and monthly expenses, he also managed to obtain the theoretical part of his Commercial Pilot License (CPL) with a distinction. Now here is where we desperately need YOUR HELP!!! My brother, however, still needs to fly approximately 200 hours in order to acquire the practical section of his CPL and get his License. The problem is that it costs +-R1595/h for hour building. He only has 12 months to obtain the required hours, after that, it will expire, and he will need to re-apply and rewrite the entire Theoretical section, and start on practical 0 hours.
He worked extremely hard and sacrificed most of his teenage experiences in order to secure his future. I cannot stand the thought of financial shortage bringing a fall to so much hard work- hard earned education. Part of my campaign is to raise money to get my parents back on their feet. They have bent over backwards to get my brother this far financially. Both now working practically 24/7 to try and pay the bills that they are unable to cover. Your Small donation INSTANTLY brings Hope in more ways than one. It really kills me to see them struggle like this with my hands cut off.
Please help me contribute to a set their future, and a stress-free, well-earned retirement one day.
Thanking you in advance.