R310 of R200 000 raised

In 1985 Lourdes High School experienced student uprisings which led to the destruction of the school and death of a teacher. The school, which was once a centre of educational excellence, deteriorated, with many learners and teachers leaving the school.

Former students have formed a non-profit organisation in order to facilitate reconciliation, reconstruction and youth development. Former students are assisting the school to mobilize resources in order to improve school infrastructure, facilities and the well-being of learners,

Lourdes Alumni wish to mobilize funds for the establishment of a Computer Centre with computers that can also be used by the learners and teachers.

A new secure, well lit, ventilated, fireproof structure/building equipped with at least 10 computers and a printer is desired for the school. The Computer Centre will expose teachers and learners to modern-day technology and all the benefits that come with it. A crash course on computers for teachers and at least matric learners would also be necessary.

This initiative is one of a number of initiatives that former learners are embarking on in order to reconcile and reconstruct, whilst honouring the memory of the teacher who was killed by students.

Your contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

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Donation Total: R10.00