R0 of R50 000 raised

I am a young, passionate gamer and recently decided to develop games myself. I want to go and study 3D design and animation to further my skill. I need the right equipment to be able to work on 3D design and Animation. I have a partner that is doing the coding while I am working on the designs for a game. Our first game will be completely free and is a shooter/survival game with a massive open world gameplay.

My target is to have all the equipment by the start of January 2018 and will be releasing the full game mid 2018. Please help me to give back to all of you to all of the gamers out there to make new friends and feel like they belong somewhere as I was also one of those gamers who was alone and my only social life was online gaming it made me feel like I belonged somewhere.


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Donation Total: R10.00