R1 720 of R50 000 raised

My Dad is 73 years old and has no Pension or Medical aid. He is fairly healthy other than a few minor medical conditions which he spends hours queuing at the Government hospitals for treatment when needed, but not everything is available through the State Hospitals. He has Cataracts in both eyes and is going blind from them. The waiting list to have the eye surgery through Groote Schuur is many years and I’m afraid that he will be completely blind before he ever gets his chance. He will not be able to renew his driver’s license once his eyes get too bad which will take away his independence and quality of life.

He is still very active and likes to go for brisk walks and enjoy life, but the financial stresses of life are literally killing him. It costs between R25 000 to R30 000 per eye for the laser surgery, so I am hoping to raise R50 000 to have the surgery done as soon as possible.

We are humbly asking for some financial assistance. Thanking you in advance.



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Donation Total: R10.00