R1 700 of R210 000 raised

My Father and Mother have been without a medical cover since 1994. As their daughter, I have always made a plan to provide them help in every way possible. Recently, my father suffered a severe heart attack. The doctor on call showed me the injection that would save his life, but it costs R10 000-00. I had to make a choice, am I going to save my father’s life, even though I do not have the funds to pay for it? I had to act quickly and within a few hours, I put myself into huge debt to get the money for the injection, which they wanted me to pay upfront, together with all other doctor’s bills, ICU bill, and more.

I have no means to pay it back. The total amount of bills received is R208 000.00 thus far. The cardiologist had to do a 3 stent surgery. He suffered a failure on the apex of the heart. I am so grateful he survived. As his daughter, I am so happy I could save his life, but I do not have any money for future bills.

Any help will be appreciated. Small donations are better than no donations. I helped create a miracle for my Dad, now I am in need of a miracle.

Your contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

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Donation Total: R10.00