Chadwin Tobie is a little boy with a passion for soccer. Last year he was one of the lucky boys on his local soccer team to be elected to play in the Dubai Super Cup. In 62days his mother needs to come up with R22 000 for his flight and accommodation and due to her being unemployed, she has held her 1st fundraising event on the 26th of January 2018, and the proceeds made was merely a drop in the ocean. With the support of the local community, she will now have to plan minor fundraisers to reach the necessary target. He has appeared in the local newspaper and radio, but that too is not enough, as people do not see the seriousness thereof.
Chadwin has been given this amazing and very rare opportunity and I have even spoken to car clubs who are, by the talks of it still busy organising something for him. I have asked a close friend to put in a word with our local soccer team, Ajax, in order to raffle off a signed poster. His mom is putting her all to make this happen for him and I’m trying to do my part too. We are very proud of him.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.