I run a Facebook page called Furry Godmothers. I try monthly to get people to donate to an account called Furry Godmothers. 3500 people follow us on FB, yet I only have about 20 ladies who donate roughly R100.00 to R200.00 per month. With these funds, I will try and buy blankets, beds, flea collars, and food for our voiceless fur babies, in shelters who are really struggling to make ends meet.
I myself, sew dog jackets and send to the shelters for the winter. We have just secured a 100 blankets for shelters which are big enough that we cut them in two which gives us 200 blankets. I sow my Logo on it so that they cannot be stolen. There is so much that these voiceless furries need, yet as neither Shelters nor SPCA branches are funded by the Government they all rely on donations.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you