A few years ago, my gum line started to recede. Due to this happening, I lost a tooth in the very front bottom. With having lost the tooth, my other teeth started moving and because of my receding gum line, those teeth are now loose. All this has been causing severe pain in my mouth over the last few years. I am now at the point where I can’t even bite a soft sandwich or anything.
The short-term solution is to have the teeth pulled and replaced with a “clip” however with my receding gum line, I will end up losing all my teeth. So, the ultimate solution is for me to have all my teeth pulled and to get a set of Dentures.
I also have a tooth at the top, which is going rotten, it started with a small hole in my tooth and now it’s a cave, open at the bottom of the tooth and the side of the tooth.
This has not only caused me daily pain over the past few years but has caused my self-confidence to drop severely to the point where I am embarrassed about what I look like. Even in front of my own husband and children.
I have also been unemployed due to this and would really like to be pain free and to be able to smile with confidence, so that I can apply for work again to help support my family. But most of all to be Pain Free.
I know times are hard for everyone, but I would greatly appreciate any and all donations.
Thank you
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