Good day, my name is Jessica, and I am 20 years old. When I finished high school, I came across an online add to work online, to my surprise I got the job almost instantly. The money was good, and I could work from home and provide for my family, who at the time was in severe financial distress. In 2021, I ask my two younger siblings to make a Christmas wish list, and for once I could buy them something that was not second hand but brand new.
I thought that our lives were finally turning for the better and the Lord heard all my prayers. My whole life came crashing down in November 2021, I was contacted by my bank asking for proof of payments which I did not have, as I was only an intern. To my surprise my so called “boss” did not have any either. My bank account was put on hold and the bank manager informed me that my bank account was used for fraud and money laundering. I was speechless and protested this, I went to the police station and filed advidavids trying to prove my innocents in all this. On Monday, I was arrested for Fraud as all my accounts reflected as the center of the crimes. As a first time being in trouble with the law, I really had hopes of getting bail, but it was denied. My account was closed one year ago, and I then got a real job and have earned my ways just as the rest of society.
Currently I am in a penitentiary awaiting my trail which can take months, even years. I have provided all my information, messages and so on proving that I am innocent in all this. In 6 days of being in the penitentiary, my faith has kept me sane. I have been attacked by another prisoner with a knife, my pillow and blanket stolen and I also was not provided with a cup or spoon for drinking water and have to eat hot porridge with my hands. The court also told my family that I can be moved to any center without informing my family where I am.
My Click ‘n Donate page is to hire a lawyer that can help prove my innocents in all of this. My parents and my soon to be in laws, have no more resources to try and help me. The funds here will be used for resources during this challenging time to help and get me released from custody and to track the real criminals behind all this.
I have had high hopes for myself including getting married to my high school sweetheart and one day having a career so that I can provide for my own family.
This page is run by my cousin.
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