R0 of R150 000 raised

I’d like to raise money so that I can be able to publish my first book which is called Firefighter First and Foremost. I started writing the book on 10 January 2010, and soon after that, the Haiti Earthquake struck. I was part of the South African Rescue Mission. Soon after we returned from this mission I wished I could do something to help people further in my life but I was unable to. I continued writing my book and hoped that one day it will help me to tell my story. Seven years later, my book was completed and I have the honour to say that in those years much has happened in terms of my growth. I would like to see my book out there creating change in people’s lives.

In the book, I’ve written about my experiences as a firefighter, my background, and my wishes to help the community. I’d like to publish it privately. It is my first attempt at being an author and the hope of having a published book that can change the lives of many, has grappled me for so long.

I believe that my story is similar to that of many other people who have had a difficult upbringing but they persevere and a strong determination in life to such a point where they become successful ultimately.

Thank you for making my dream come true. God bless you.


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Donation Total: R10.00