At the beginning of lockdown my sister and I started helping families in need. With a few loaves of home baked bread and a pot of potato soup we set out to feed 12 families. As the weeks progressed our families grew to a total of 45 families we were assisting.
With donations from a handful of community members, family, friends and farmers we managed to continue assisting these families until 3 weeks ago when our car decided enough is enough and the camshaft snapped and the pistons were damaged. We are now in dire straits to get our car sorted and like everyone else, we do not have the means or finances to sort this out.
We need our car to carry on assisting families as well as getting our kids to and from school (when school reopens) and also to run our business which we are trying so hard to get off the ground.
If you feel you can assist in anyway with a donation towards our cause, please know that it is greatly appreciated and we pray the God will bless you in return.
Thanking you In Advance!
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