

R0 of R10 000 raised

My name is Cayleen, a single mom of 3 wonderful kids who means the world to me. I will do anything to give them only the best. For the past 3 years we went through hell not having my kids stay with me. I made a horrible mistake and I trusted someone to help me when I lost my job. Yes they helped but with a hidden agenda. And the day my kids was supposed to come home I received a summons to be in court as I am being taken to court for guardianship of my kids. Now after 3 years almost 4 off hell and in and out of court and namouras social workers the order was made and my kids are coming home in 3 weeks time.

After I lost everything and lived in a car for more than a year, I’ve managed to start building up a place we can call home. Beating the depression monster and moving forward in live, my monthly salary just covers rent and the basics every month. Leaving no extra for anything else.

I want to raise money to firstly buy bunker beds for my kids, some linen and clothes and I need to stock up on food. With all of this August is my youngest daughter’s birthday month and all she asked for was to have birthday party with a few friends and November is my son’s birthday month asking the same.

I come to you reading here, I’ve swallowed my pride and humbly ask you to open your heart to a broken mom and her kids to please support us by making a donation to help us get ready for the big move and to make a wish come true, to have a birthday party. We would be so grateful for any donations. We will send regular update on what you made happen by donating.

Thank you for taking the time read our story and we hope we can count on each of you reading.

Have a blessed day

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time