R0 of R100 000 raised

5 months ago, Natasha (35), mother of two, started experiencing changes in her cycle. Initially the changes were minimal, lasting 1 week at 2-week intervals. However, two months ago things took a turn for the worse.

After her cycle shifted to 2 weeks just a week after the previous ended. She immediately made an appointment with a gynae for an ultrasound, unfortunately after discussing the recent changes, the doctor advised that a CT scam was necessary. The results of the CT showed that her left ovary had doubled in size. Her uterus wall lost a third of its thickness.

The doctor suggested that she sees a specialist if her symptoms worsen and treat her symptomatically.

Her following cycle lasted a full four weeks, and after 3 days, started again. Consequently, she made an appointment with a specialist last week and after a thorough assessment, she was informed that she has to undergo an emergency hysterectomy.

Due to the rapid deterioration of her symptoms, a date was set for 23 April. Still recovering financially from having lost her job soon after lockdown started, she is unable to afford the R85 000.00 needed for the operation and hospitalization. Furthermore, her loan application was declined by the bank, due to affordability (as her monthly income is R7 500.00).

After the surgery she would be unable to conceive anymore and would need hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life.

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Donation Total: R100.00