I’ve been a stay at home mum for the past 7 years. I’ve always believed that raising my 3 kids and keeping the home fires burning was my calling in life. Nothing brings me greater happiness.
5 months ago I was at a low point and all I wanted to do was sleep. Looking back now, I realize I was going through a little depression. Dragging myself out of bed everyday to get the kids ready for school, rushing through the housework and cooking so I could just get back into bed. Endless days of not getting dressed and brushing my hair.
One morning at about 5 am, I woke up and looked at my phone and on Facebook I saw a competition to win Green Tea Capsules. All I had to do was add some members. I did this and later that morning I was pleasantly surprised when I logged on and I had won the prize.
A week later I got it from Anelda Jonker, who is now my upline and the lady attribute my happiness and new lease on life to. I used those little magic pills and it was just what I needed to get my mojo back. I decided that I needed to become a part of this business and Anelda signed me up as a distributor. I tell you I gave it all I had but I didn’t realize how much this company would change my life. In a nutshell, my day begins at 5 am and ends at anytime after midnight. I work day and night to grow my brand and the changes in my life are too amazing to put down in words. I’m feeling on top of the world and all I want to do is help more ladies to accomplish their dream of financial freedom and not having to spend the rest of their lives working a 9-5 for a boss and getting paid peanuts to build someone else’s dream.
I am a 100% product user and probably Nuskin’s biggest fan. I would like to use the funds raised to buy the business start-up kit. I would also use a bit of it to create a professional office space in my home where I could demonstrate the workings of my business to hopeful prospects. I want to offer my customers spa treatments at home or in theirs.
I just want to become so successful so that I can help other ladies become successful too.