My mother was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2012, this is a horrible disease with no cure to date. The disease causes the lungs to become stiff over time, and the sufferer becomes breathless, amongst many other symptoms, the breathlessness is the most significant. My mother used to be full of life and always on the go, caring for us and her grandkids, and living her life to the fullest.
Now she can barely walk to the bathroom without gasping for air. It has been the most painful experience for us, her family, to watch someone we love so much go through this, and we would love nothing more than for her to enjoy her life again
She is confined to her bedroom, as she is on Oxygen 24 hours a day, and to her home oxygen concentrator, going out would require her to have a portable oxygen concentrator, which we cannot afford. The portable concentrator would also be a great help when the electricity goes off, as it often does in the area she lives in. During the time the electricity is off, she goes into panic mode, as she feels she cannot breathe and this affects her oxygen levels.
This portable concentrator would cost in the region of R40 000. Please help us to help her live again, to get her lease on life back, she so deserves it. I just want to see my mother smile again and have joy and hope in her heart like she use to have!
Thanking you in advance for your support.