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Sigh, I am not even sure if this works…

When I was younger, I had a really rough childhood. I now know I lacked the direction that is supposed to be given to children. More specifically on how to spend money or have respect for it.

My parents divorced when I was 17. My final year of school. It hit me hard. Our perfect family was not so perfect after all.

Learning the way, I had been raised was too something people believed would mentally affect me for years to come. I finished school, barely. Then I was told to find work, which I did. I was really proud to be in a position where I was working after just finishing school. Troubles started in the family, and I needed to move out to preserve what little of this family’s relationship was left. Decision after decision I made thereafter, would prove to daunt me forever.

With the costs of living in South Africa, (While working) I have not been able to pay off a loan I have with a bank taken 5 years ago. I am now the proud father of 2 beautiful boys. They are every ounce of happiness in my life. I live for them. I wake up for them. Basically, they have truly made me a better version of myself.

I have been paying rent for most of my life, never missing payments. I have not paid this account because I could not afford housing, food and living costs as well as paying this account. Every increase I would get at work would be equally leveled with the everyday rising costs of living in South Africa.

I now am mature enough to want a house for my children to remember growing up in. I am tired of paying rent and losing the ability for my kids to remember their childhood and a house they can’t call home.

I have been solely providing for my boys. I’m not looking to gain anything other than freedom from my past mistakes. I would be devastated to go to jail over this.

If you have got this far in my sad sob story, Thank YOU for YOUR time in reading this far.

Wishing you a very lovely day ahead.


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Donation Total: R100.00