R0 of R60 000 raised

Good day to all,

Your positive actions combined with positive thinking results in success -Shiv Khera

I was born and bred in Kanana, Orkney(North West). I attended pre-school at Little Saints and completed grade 1-3 at St Conrad’s College. That was until I moved to Carletonville(Gauteng West)and have lived there up till now. I am a fifteen year old God fearing, adventurous, amiable, courageous, exuberant, intuitive, persistent and witty young woman.

To receive such an honor to attend the academic achiever’s tour to the USA in 2018 is amazing because it was through my hard work and perseverance that my dream is coming true.

I will be attending private lectures at several universities overseas and visit historical landmarks all around Boston, New York City and Washington. I believe this opportunity will create many pathways in my academic career and my dream of becoming a medical doctor.

My parents have bent over backward countless times for me and I know that by achieving such great things; I am making them proud. Unfortunately, they are not in a position in which they could fund me without any assistance. Thus, I have decided to ask for assistance.

My goal yet to be reached is R60 000. Your contribution towards this tour would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading my story
May God bless you abundantly

Juanita Said.


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Donation Total: R10.00