Since I got my first snake in November 2019 I have become obsessed with the care and well-being of the snakes and in Cape Town, South Africa. Our aim is to open a reptile ONLY centre in Cape Town as there is currently no other facility like this available.
We are wanting to have a care centre where people can bring their reptiles to for basic health care needs that does not require vets’ attention as well as taking in rescue animals due to the fact that so many people do not realise the care required nor for how long the reptiles actually live. Our medical room will be there to help clients with issues with their reptiles, i.e mite treatments, URI injections, burn care (vet’s recommendation will be given once we see the extent of the burn.
The funding is required for us to take on a premise which we have already found and to fit the centre with all the basic care requirements.
We are able to do all the manual work ourselves in terms of setting up the cages, quarantine areas as well as the feeder room. We will be able to become self-supporting once we can set the centre up as we have snakes that we plan on selling, also having a retail section selling all basic requirements that are needed for the snakes and reptiles i.e. enclosures, feeders, hides, substrate and other products required for the care of their reptiles.
As we are based so close to town it will make it easier for us to be able to supply stock to clients as at the moment most people have to drive a distance to see a vet, get food or anything required for their reptiles.
We will also have an education centre and all clients purchasing a reptile will have to be prepared to have a course with us on the basic husbandry as well as the care of their new reptile. We also hope to run programs at the centre and birthday parties for children with a display of all the reptiles we currently have.
Between my partner and myself we have the experience to ensure that we are able to take in rescues and to deal with their issues as well as dealing with our vet to ensure that all the correct treatment is being given. The sales of our small retail section will help towards the care of the rescues and their vet bills.
I am extremely passionate about reptiles and currently have over 25 different snakes of different species as well as lizards and geckos’.
We really need a care centre in our area to help those that have no idea what they are doing and also to do the educational programs with Companies as we do have a person that does the catch and release in Cape Town, this will help people to understand that if you come across a snake that it should not be killed but be helped to move along.
I hope that you can all help me to fulfil my passion of opening up this centre as soon as possible as there are many scaly babies out there that need our help.
Thanking you in advance for your generosity and support.
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