

R0 of R40 000 raised

Rex’s Story

Rex’s mom- I am an older lady who only gets a pension and who has always had a passion for animals and especially dogs, I have from a baby had dogs as pets but I still care about and protect all creatures big and small, I was involved in rescue and fostering but due to the costs, I have had cut back on things, this brings me to Rex and my other 8 rescue dogs at home with me.

My home is also their home, they even have a double bed in my room as well as my room that they sleep on at night.
Rex is a cross bread between GSD/ Husky with the most beautiful nature and with such obedience in him, he came to me as a tiny puppy at about 4 to 6 weeks old you could hold him in one hand he was so small, as my family and friends know.

That if I get given a puppy or even a grown dog, that this is where they will stay for the rest of their lives, this is the care of Rex, he is now 3 to 4 years old and started with nose bleeds in October and after treatments and medications, we have had to rush him to the emergency hospital in Westville where he was diagnosed with a tumor in his nose, for which I’m currently paying off on a monthly basis, he is still in need of a MRI scan and possibly a operation to remove the tumor and chemotherapy after.

There is so much that still has to get done to get this beautiful animal in good health again, I am asking for the help of the public to help me by donating towards Rex’s bills to get him the treatment he needs. It is estimated at around R40 000 for everything.Rex is part of my family and It hurts me to see him in so much discomfort.

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time