ROAD TRIP – 4000KM IN 4 DAYS – GOAL R 27 600

R0 of R27 600 raised

My nickcname is “Dozer”. I am a freelance motoring journalist.

On my Facebook blog platform, “Dozer Drives “, I show the 20 800 followers what I do with the media vehicles I get to test drive and review.

I am a mountain pass hunter, and I share my travels with my followers, to tell them about driving roads that are worth the detours from the usual route between towns/cities, and those worth an early morning wake to go out of town for a good drive and relaxation.

I have come up with a “4000km in 4 days” road trip, where I will conquer 27 mountain passes and drive from sea level in Cape Town to the highest tarred road in Africa, which is located in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

I will be accompanied by 3 friends and driving (courtesy of Volvo Car South Africa) the Volvo V90 Cross Country.

The road trip will take place from the 20th April 2018 until the 23rd April 2018. I would like to have the required funds collected by the 13th April 2018, so that I have a week to arrange other logistics, such as accommodation, etc.

The support would mean a lot to me. I am a traveller bound by budget and would very much appreciate your support to realise my mountain hunter dreams. I am willing to plug products of those that support, in hashtags or product placements in photo’s.

There are 750 mountain passes recorded in South Africa. I have ticked off 380 mountain passes in the past 2 years and being a freelancer, my personal funds have run dry. But I wish to continue my local quest, and maybe start conquering some of the most famous foreign mountain passes as well.

But for now, please assist me with this road trip. Help me show my followers the scenic views and activities that await them out there.

Thank you in advance.

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Donation Total: R10.00