R5 410 of R100 000 raised

My cousin Vivien Schrenk, is 46 years old. She is a loving wife, mother to 2 beautiful children and a proud grandmother to 2 young grandchildren.  She has been diagnosed with stage 5 kidney failure and only has one working kidney left, so it is taking tremendous strain. This has caused her to develop heart failure.

Recently the doctor’s discovered cysts on her Ureters. They ran tests to see if the cysts were malignant. Sadly the results came back and confirmed that they were indeed malignant. In order to save her life, she will need an urgent operation. Unfortunately, she is not on a medical aid and the only date the government hospital have available, to do the operation is in April 2018. We fear she won’t survive until then.

The only option we have is to have the operation done in a private hospital. All the treatments and tests have drained them financially and the family only have limited resources to help.  As a family, it breaks our heart to see the once vibrant woman, deteriorate and endure so much pain. We are desperate for financial assistance to try and make her life as comfortable as we can, and to hold onto any glimmer of hope for a full recovery. Any contribution of funds toward making this a reality would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your donation.


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Donation Total: R10.00