Last year was a very tough year for me, I had one bad thing happen to me after another. The month before my birthday, I decided I had, had enough. I wanted to do something amazing in 2018, something that would help me move on from the past. I wanted to go on holiday in Thailand for my 19th birthday.
I told my family of my plans to travel to Thailand. Everyone was really supportive and they give me money (for my birthday) towards my trip. With my life savings and family donations, I had enough for my flights and accommodations. I have never been outside of South Africa and I grew up in a very small town, on a mountain two hours away from the town, with a shopping center. So as you can imagine this was a dream come true.
However, just before Christmas disaster struck, 5 MEN BROKE into our home and stole some of my savings, my laptop and my phone. I was heartbroken. Because I am a studying for my GED’s I desperately needed a laptop, so I had to take what was left of my savings and replace my laptop and phone. I now have NO SAVINGS left for my holiday, and even if I work every day until September (my birthday,) I won’t have enough money. I can’t delay my trip, as I have to prepare for my SAT’s in October and Next year I start university.
I would appreciate any donation to help save my dream.
Thanking you in advance for your help.