R0 of R2.59 million raised

Today I’m starting this fundraiser not just to ask for donations, but to
help to change social economic poverty.
I want to raise money to share a Meal on Christmas with the community
suffering from the pandemic. We can help save lives five dollars at a time.
Our goal is to feed one hundred thousand people on Christmas day. With your
help I think we can achieve this goal. This donation of five dollars is to
buy the food and prepare it so that we can be ready for Christmas.
Yesterday I drove to town and what made me feel so heartbroken was to see
how many people are homeless and how many are begging for money to feed
themselves. We don’t often see this inhumane situation people are going
through every day, because we are protected by our bubble. It’s only when
you go outside that bubble that we start to see the wrath covid left behind.
We all lost someone close during this pandemic, but we can do something for
someone else, promise we will feel good about ourselves afterward because we
did something good. be a part of social change.
I am so excited to have started this fundraiser because we can change
someone’s mind set with just a meal on Christmas. The goal is to feed as
many people as possible during this holiday. I hope that we can count on our
people to send help by donating money to this cause. I know I’m a bit all
over the place, but this is fine because this is what I want to do for the
rest of my life to help people five dollars at a time. While I’m typing I am
smiling because I know we’re putting smiles back on people’s faces. I hope
you will share this message to reach everyone to donate to this cause. There
will be tax receipts for people who donated more than five dollars.
I thank you in advance for your support and your donations. I do not have
gifts to give for your contribution’s, but I can thank you with a message
and appreciate your Donations.
Please share this page on your social platforms.

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time