I need to enrol my nephew, early next year into Film school. I can supply him with a home, food and transport, but cannot afford the varsity fees. He is now in Grade 11 and is very bright and promising.
He has had a rough deal and he has tried to commit suicide twice already. His mother abandoned him, with my parents, when he was 2. My mother passed away when he was 10 and then his mother took him back when he was 12 with promises of a better life, but really, they have just used and abused him.
He has been dreaming of making films since he was little boy and through everything he has been through, he hasn’t given up on his dream.
I have done the research already and asked around about bursaries, but he needs to be enrolled first before we can apply and then it is only a maybe and they do not refund the enrolment fees. Should he be turned down for a bursary (because they first fund kids going to the main universities), then we could look at a loan, but I cannot afford the interest that goes with it. I don’t want him to start his career with such a huge minus.
Please help me to get him out of the life he is in now and show him that life is not all doom and gloom.
If many can give a little, then we will be able to send this child into a brighter future and save his life, because I don’t think he will survive another hard knock.
Tank you in advance.