R65 of R500 000 raised

This campaign was started to help people of all races in unfortunate circumstances by;

• Starting programs to learn life skills
• Assisting single parents in getting an education
• Assisting needy children to complete school
• Giving bursaries to qualified candidates
• Assisting with in-service training

• 44.6% of South African learners never make matric
• 15% of 23 public South African University students graduated
• 66.6% of SA’s population (31.6 million people) live in poverty
• 30% of SA’s population (16 million people) rely on social grants

We believe that these figures have also contributed to higher volumes of crime and violent acts in the last couple of years.

Together we have the power to TAKE A STAND and decrease these figures. Let’s build a safer, prouder, more educated and efficient South Africa.

If you would like to make a donation, no matter how small, please follow the instructions below

Your donation will make a difference.

Warmest Regards



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Donation Total: R10.00