Free a dreamer and filmmaking aspirant to follow her dreams. Help her take that leap of faith to follow her dreams.
I grew up in a single parent household. My mother could hardly make ends meet. There was never enough money for anything but the bare necessities. But God was my father and he was always faithful. I always dreamt of working in the film industry, but it always felt like I was crazy to dream so big and aim so high.
I even went to an AFDA film school open day in 2005, because even way back then, 12 years ago, the dream was strong and insistent in my heart. But to no avail. Finances were the inevitable obstacle, as usual.
I was scolded by so many realists to stop dreaming and be realistic. Who was I to think I could work in the film industry? Accept your situation, they would say.
After 15 years of doing jobs I hate, for minimum wages, and still living on the breadline, I decided it was time to follow my dreams. Yes, even at age 37! If I’m going to be poor, at least I’m going to be poor in pursuit of my dream!
So I embarked on a mad-cap adventure. I got on a plane, flew to Cape Town, and did a three-month course in film and video production, with only half the funds. But my faithful God provided, as usual. Boy, did I feel like a bird released from her cage for the first time.
The journey doesn’t end there. The training I received was great, but just an introduction. It just wet my appetite for more. The next step is AFDA The South African School of Motion Picture Medium. Please help me make my years-long dream of attending AFDA a reality.
God is the Dreamgiver. I’m no longer a dreamer only, now I’m a doer, one faith step at a time.
Please partner with me in making my dream come true:
1) Pray for me
I really need moral support. There are so many dream stealers and faith stealers out there.
2) Help me financially
In my progression to the next major faith step, I would like to continue my film studies at AFDA, the South African School of Motion Picture Medium.
This is an accredited four-year degree course in Filmmaking and each year costs roughly about R70 000. Student accommodation costs +- R4000 pm. Living costs like groceries, toiletries and transportation must also be added.
3) A Canon camera and tripod
4) An Apple Mac Laptop and Final Cut Pro program
Thank you
PS: To my fellow dreaming doers out there:
There is nothing more important in this life than following your God-given dreams. For the world needs your specific gifts. Don’t let people who gave up on their dreams talk you out of yours. Pity them. Forgive them. But never give up!! It will be hard. Life is unfair. But maybe it’s supposed to be. The hardships make you strong and prepare you for your destiny.
Go dream big dreams! Change the world, one dream at a time!
God is the Dreamgiver and He is Faithful.
Yvette van Os
Filmmaking, scriptwriter, directing, cinematographer and Method Acting aspirant, media missionary, dreamer and doer in Christ Jesus.