“The Global Conference on the Status of Women and Girls is an international, interdisciplinary conference that seeks to foster inquiries into the complex and multi-focal issues faced by women and girls around the world, both historically and today, seeking not only to clarify key questions that must be asked in this vital area of public policy, but also to unearth the forces that created these current dilemmas.” I have been invited to present a paper on decoloniality and the decommodification of education in occupied Azania and the role of women in the struggle.
This is an opportunity for me to continue to contribute towards decolonial discourse through academia and other ways in which I have been engaged in. The Conference is taking place from the 22nd to the 24th of March 2018 in Christopher Newport University, USA Virginia. As a child of the working class I cannot afford all costs for the trip and in need of contributions to pay for this very important trip in efforts to advance black academia and intellect. I need a total of +/-R45000 for all costs. I would really appreciate any amount of contribution afforded by you.