R0 of R17 000 raised

I have created this gofund me page on behalf a security guard who works day and night to keep families safe in the Linksfield North Area.

He asked me not to mention his name as he will lose his job. It is against his contract to ask residents for anything regarding finance.

His mother is extremely ill with Malaria at the moment and if she doesn’t receive this operation, was told she has 2-3 months to live. The operation will be done on her intestines to remove the malaria currently spreading in her stomach.

Please could you consider helping out by donating any amount towards the R17 000 so she can receive this much needed operation, every cent and share would be extremely appreciated.

Help make a difference to someone else’s life today by doing a small mitzvah!

Thank You.
Devon Horowitz

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Donation Total: R10.00