R0 of R20 000 raised

Due to the heavy rains in Cape Town Our Roof Leaked on the outside and caused the ceiling to rip open on the inside and cause huge damage to our ceiling and wooden walls and flooring.

A black and green mould started forming due to the humidity and the wetness and is very dangerous for our health.

I have an 8 year old son whose health is very important to me and we need to fix the roof outside First. To stop the leaking from outside so we can fix the inside and get rid of all the dampness and mould.

If anyone can please help we would appreciate your help abundently.

We still have rains almost every day and the situation only worsens.

Thank you to everyone for reading our story and considering to help.

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time

Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Click ‘n Donate Worldwide, Fundraising South Africa, Crowdfunding USA, Crowdfunding UK, Fundraising Australia, Fundraising New Zealand, gofundme.com, gofundmeSA, gofundmeSouthAfrica, crowdfunding fundraising South Africa, Click n Donate, Go fund me, Backabuddy, Thundafund, Indiegogo, gogetfunding