My name is Provia, I’m 27 years old and in need of a hip replacement due to Osteonecrosis. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to pay for this procedure out of pocket as it is expensive, the surgery complex and aftercare is very important. The total amount I need for this procedure is +- R300 000 including aftercare.
This procedure will change my life as I am limping right now. It will not only improve my quality of life, but it will give me a life I never really had. I will be able to walk, run, gym, play around, participate in sports, and go through a day without a chronic pain. If you know how I feel, I am sorry because I would not wish this on anyone even on my worst enemy. I would be able to sit and stand up without any pain and I would be able to sleep without waking up in excruciating pain. I would be able to touch cold water and not get any pains and I will also not worry about cold, cloudy, and rainy weather. I would be able to do almost everything without any pain and my dream would come true if I do hip replacement surgery.
I would really appreciate any contribution that you could make to my cause, big or small, and if you are not able to contribute, please share this message to your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you know who will be to assist to this cause so that I can have my pain free life back.
Thank you for taking your time to read this message and your assistance will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,
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