I think I have some of the most broken kids alive. They were raised by their dad and I (their dad was abusive) but they adored him. Six years ago their father died suddenly and that was a huge loss for us all. Emotionally and financially. I have been struggling on my own for a few years and then met someone. We have seen each other for 2 years and then he committed suicide in our house in my son’s room. All the kids saw him and they were devastated again.
I have never earned enough to buy my kids their own clothes or stuff. They must just accept 2nd hand all the time. Well, my son has finished high school this year and I can’t even afford for him to study further (he wants to study IT). My eldest daughter will be in matric next year, which, means its matric farewell. Must she go with borrowed clothes again? Why can other parents go and buy what they need for their kids and I must beg for help?
I just want to do something for them. Anything that they can say “my mom bought me that”. My heart is so sore. I wanted them to grow up ordinary like most other kids. I don’t want them to think “poor” is the only thing they will ever know. If anybody can, please help me?