My husband and I left our jobs a little over a year ago to become professional forex traders; we started with a very, very small capital but managed to work our way into profit. Unfortunately, our balances are still too small to make a living out of. We can only do night shift work – which we can’t find – as working during the day will stop our growth because we won’t be able to trade.
We’ve sold many of the items in our home for money to survive on and we also sell weight loss supplements, but none of them seem to be selling too well right now. All we need is 3 more months of help so that we can grow our balances to a point where we can live off the money.
Please note, we have not lost money and we are not gambling, we learnt very hard and put in many, many hours to learn what we know and find a profitable strategy. Trading is our passion and it is my goal to get to a point where I can help animals and children in need and to help those with a dream achieve theirs too.
“It’s not about the money; it’s about what the money can give you”