Hi all,
Last week, my girlfriend and i were taking our dog to school to drop off a few things and take him for a walk, when a lady driving over the speed limit had swerved and knocked into him as he was just off the sidewalk, he just laid on the ground barley moving and we instantly rushed him to the vet where they told us he seemed fine but should take him to a proper specialist encase he has brain damage. As we took him in and nervously waited, received the bad news that he has blood on his brain and a broken L1 and L2 vertebra which immediately needed to be operated on. We had the choice of either putting him down or to have the operation, we chose the operation because that baby boy means the world to us and makes us incredibly happy.
He is a very active dog who loves running and swimming in the ocean and is absolutely devastating to see him in his current condition. He needs to go to a rehabilitation center to help him walk again for a month, which over and above his operation cost is just a extremely overwhelming expense for us so we trying to raise funds to try help our boy walk and have a better life again as he can’t go to the bathroom by himself or even walk at the moment.
Any donations are welcome and would be really appreciated, thanks in advance for the help and support