R0 of R100 000 raised

My brother, a recovering alcoholic and sober for almost 4 months, is trying his best to get his life back.

We don’t only need financial assistance, but a lot of prayers to break this evil attacking him.
This past week he lost his house, the vehicle he wanted to sell’s bearings seized and the other vehicle he bought recently’s engine blew. A rental vehicle got stolen today with the engine to repair it and all his electrical tools.

Whilst all this is happening, he is trying hard to make a living as an electrician, but not only for himself but for three employees who he pays weekly. My brother is a good person with good intentions. He is doing his best to succeed in life, but he keeps on being tested in an awful way.

We did not have the best life as children with an alcoholic and abusive father, but things just keep going wrong for my brother. He is trying really hard to beat this devil.

All I am asking for is TONS of prayers and assistance for him to get back on his feet.
All proceeds will be used to get a rented flat and repair his vehicle to be able to work.


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Donation Total: R10.00