Hello, my name is Marinus Christiaan Lochner. I was born on the 11 December 1998 at 29 weeks of pregnancy. I weighed 1.5kg and at 9 months of age, I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Since then I have received Physiotherapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments. From 1 years old I have had several operations eg. Stretching of the Achilles-tendon, Hamstrings and the sinews between my legs. I had multiple Botox injections into the muscles of my legs. Because I am intellectually able I went to a mainstream school up to grade 7. I am wheelchair bound because I have no balance abilities.
I shall complete grade 12 in 2018 as a homeschooler. My mom is a teacher and my dad is a farmer in Namaqualand, currently experiencing extreme droughts. I am 19 years old, and want to study Web Designing after grade 12 and would really like to be more independent.
My biggest needs are to be independent of my parents and therefore I need Physio on a weekly basis, finances for studies and an adapted vehicle to accomplish these dreams.
The vehicle is so that I can use my hands because my legs are spastic. I am a Spastic diplegia. I must also be able to get my wheelchair in the car without assistance.