R0 of R50 000 raised

I am writing this message with tears in my eyes and a very shameful heart. I’m a wife and a mom of 2 beautiful babies who will lose their house if the outstanding rent monies are not paid. Both my husband and I lost our jobs and was unable to pay the house for a few months, and just as we are trying to get back on our feet, we are notified that we will lose the house. We’ve tried everything (can’t get credit, tried to ask people who we thought had money for a loan but no-one could help us – I don’t know any loan sharks – as I would be there in a heartbeat).

Only today I became aware of this page. We pray that anyone who sees this message will find it in their hearts to help us by donating any amount that you can. We have nowhere else to go if we lose this house (I do not want my kids living on the streets).

Please help me and my family.
May God bless you.

(I am not posting any personal pictures for fear of victimization- I hope you understand.)



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