R50 of R59 000 raised

Good day,

Jonathan is 16 years old, as a child, he had a lot of problems with his ears with infections, which resulted in us taking him for regular trips to the doctor, so that they could drain his ears. In May last year, his ear started bleeding and I took him to Dr C.W. Roos for treatment. When he went back for his follow up in November 2018, the Dr referred him to an ear specialist, because he felt there was something else wrong, besides his sinuses.

The specialist informed us that Jonathan had a Cholesteatoma in his ear that has already spread to his head, which is affecting his balance and memory. He only has 7% hearing left in his right ear and has constant headaches. The doctor informed us that she will have to put the prosthesis in his ear.

Originally the operation would have been done in a day hospital, where he would have come out the same day, but after she saw the scans and the seriousness of the problem, she told me that he would have to stay overnight. Because of the risk factors, she would like the operation to be done as soon as possible.

As a single mother who gets no maintenance from his father, and earns a small income, it is very hard to raise these funds for the operation on my own. Any amount of donation will help me a long way.

Your contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

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Donation Total: R50.00