R0 of R18 000 raised

Hi everyone,

My name is Chloe. 8 years ago I was rescued from the Kloof and Highway SPCA. When I was a pup, some cruel person hurt my hip, this affected my spine and my ability to jump around and play with my brother Tumbles. When I was younger this wasn’t too much of a problem and I managed to get by, but as I entered my twilight years, my injury got worse, and my human decided to take me to the people in white LAB coats. They said that I had ruptured my cruciate ligament and needed immediate surgery, my human told them to do what they had to.

The surgery was a success and 3 days later, I’m back home. But for some reason, I have a giant plastic flower around my head and I can’t walk. For now, the human carries me outside when I need to…you know, and carries me to bed when it’s time for snoozles. I heard the human say that I need 8-10 weeks of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Please help me. My human needs me.



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