From 2019 we as a Family will be full time missionaries. We are ready to leave behind everything.
We will do our Missions Discipleship training which starts in February 2019. After completing the training, we will be leaving for Africa to be full Time Missionaries.
After participating in Several Outreaches by our Local Church, we realized that the Lord has called us to make a difference in Africa. Please help us to raise the costs for the MDT training.
So many people in Africa never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus, on our short-term outreaches we have seen so many people giving their lives to Jesus. Deaf ears were opened, blind eyes can see, we witnessed crippled who now can walk. God is so Good and Faithful, all He ask is faithful servants willing to go.
Luke 10:2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Thank you in advance for any contributions.
God bless you