R200 of R240 000 raised

This is the story of a very dear friend, Zandre, who has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
He is a very active, sporty (Loves his Rugby) and just an overall good sport to have around! Please read his story below…

My name is Zandre v.d. Walt, and I am 28 years old. I am telling you my story, as I need assistance in raising funds for my condition. On the morning of the 31st of August 2017; I woke up with a terrible headache and some kind of numbness in my legs. Not thinking much of it, I took some headache tablets and went to work. The pain and numbness got worse as the day progressed. I went to the hospital to get it checked out and was admitted immediately.The neurologist started to run blood tests and sent me for MRI scans on my back and neck to determine where the numbness is coming from. While I was in the hospital and waiting for all the results to come in, I lost more muscle strength in my legs and arms.

I struggled to do the normal daily things like walking, talking, brushing my teeth, holding a glass of water. Struggling with pain and spastic episodes. On the 6th of September 2017, I received the devastating news that I have Multiple Sclerosis. Worst day of my life. Therefore, I now had to make a choice, let this condition get the better of me or fight it every day of my life.

I got up and started walking with the help of the Physiotherapist and a walking frame. Finished the treatment in hospital and went home. At home, I had to push myself on a daily basis to get out of bed and do the normal daily things. Walking was a struggle, I could not get in and out of the bath by myself, and needed help to dress. Normal things that I could do so easily before were now a huge struggle. The numbness in my legs got so bad that I needed a wheelchair to get around. The doctor said that it seems that I will be wheelchair bound going forward. This was hard and I was ready to give up. While we were sitting in the car crying and being upset about what the doctor said, my mother told me that we would cry now until we feel better, but the next day we will get up and start the fight all over again. And I did….

I got up the next morning and pushed myself until I could walk with the walking frame again. It took forever to get to the bathroom and back, but I tried every single day to walk a bit further than the day before. Eventually, I could get around with crutches. I grow stronger every day, to a point that I now can walk slowly without any assistance. I also started driving again and do everything for myself. I am even trying to find a job to support myself.

The reason I need the funds is to cover the medication that I need on a monthly basis so that I don’t relapse again, as I had a relapse on the 18th of January and landed in the hospital for 5 days. This is when my doctor found that my existing medication is not working. The new medication that I would need to start at the end of February 2018 cost around R16 000-00 to R30 000-00pm and as all of us, I don’t have this kind of money laying around, but I need this medication to stay healthy and not to go back into a wheelchair again. This request is on a personal level as we are relying strictly on donations.

What is Multiple Sclerosis – it is a central nervous system condition, meaning it affects the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerve. MS symptoms occur because the connections between the brain and the body’s nerves get damaged. The effects of MS are often compared to the way faulty electrical wiring can lead lights to flicker. Over time, this underlying damage to the brain and spinal cord may become permanent, leading to physical disability or cognitive impairment. MS is considered an autoimmune disease. Although no one can predict when or if there will be a cure for MS, there is much reason to be hopeful for the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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