R1 570 of R150 000 raised

Nathan survived a drowning accident on the 12 May 2012. He disappeared under the watch of 5 people. He went a route that he had never been before. The gardener left the garage door open and that was the only route to the pool. When I found him floating in the pool he was not responsive. I immediately started CPR on him.

My brother in-law took Nathan and with the help of a paramedic got him to the emergency room. The emergency room was rather quiet for a Saturday night. They could concentrate solely on him. Once they got him stable, they transferred him to Garden City. He was in ICU for four weeks. He was then transferred to a rehab center in Pretoria and after a month they said they did not know how to handle children like Nathan. He was then moved to Auckland Park, where he was there for three months. He came home at the end of Sept. This is when the hard work started.

In March 2013 we started a therapy called  ABR (Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation). During this time he was diagnosed with gastric np, upon further investigation, they discovered he was actually suffering from kidney failure. Within six months after starting this therapy, he managed to maintain his weight. In the past, he kept on losing weight. His body has shown remarkable improvement and continues to improve. This therapy has had a name change.

It is now called BDA (Biomechanical Developmental Approach). We have had a few training sessions. In November 2017 we are attending the next session. We have been financially drained in the process and in urgent need of some assistance with funds towards salaries of his caregivers, new chair, therapies, nappies, organic food, herbal supplements, dentist fees (not covered by the medical aid), urine test kits & bags, ENT visits ect.  Any form of contribution will be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.


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Donation Total: R10.00