Thank you for taking the time to reach out and possibly help someone here. I am Sarah, a young woman with a gorgeous 5 month old baby boy. I am a Muslim revert. And in our belief, it is “easy” for a man to divorce you. I was in a marriage for 2 years, we had a baby and with his constant need to be superior I spoke up against him, so he has left me. I am a stay at home mom and depended on him to support us, as I take care of our child.
My son is my everything, and coming from a broken home myself, I cannot bare to allow my son to live the same life. All I ever dreamed of was being a mother, and now I have the greatest love I felt for this innocent child. I always had a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I will die if I can’t give my son more than that. His father has a start-up business, so since I have been with him we have struggled with money and food. I now find myself with barely any money. My parents who cannot offer my son and I a stable home, I am looking for a home for my son and me. I would like to plead with you to help me start fresh so that I can give my son a home,while I search for work to pay my own rent etc.
I strive to give my son a good life, but unfortunately, I don’t have the means to start myself. I am willing to do any work that could help me support my son sooner. His father has agreed to give money for things he needs, but not for anything that could put a roof over our head. If anyone has information on anything else I can be doing in the meantime, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance for your donations.
Warm regards