R100 of R100 000 raised

I live in Cape Town, South Africa and I’m planning on going to New Zealand in March to see family I haven’t seen in 10 years. I miss them so much and the laughs we used to have. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over a year ago and it has changed my life.

I found out the other day that NZ has one of the largest majority of Multiple Sclerosis patients in the world, how ironic. Now my whole vision has changed and I’m making it part of my trip for Multiple Sclerosis awareness.

I am excited. There’s nothing like spending time in a hospital, 5 times this year to be exact, to put things into perspective and know there is a mission out there for you to accomplish.

I reserved my tickets with Emirates as I have only heard good things and need to still obviously cover the costs and visas, etc. This is my project I am working on and can’t wait. It is always good to have something to look forward. Now if you can help me with ideas for fundraising or even a sponsor to help me with this or the costs thereof as I had the money, but unfortunately all of it has gone on medical costs towards my hospital stays this year. I’d love your help in making this become a reality.❤

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.


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