R0 of R100 000 raised

I am 31 years old and a mother of 3 children.  I am a survivor of molestation, abandonment and depression. I fought a long time to overcome my demons.

There is no free support for teens/unemployed and my goal is to be readily available at all government schools on a regular basis and have a safe space for these people where they can get good solid advice 24 hours a day. As teen suicide is real.  We don’t need to be victims but survivors!  Together we can make a huge impact.

I’m looking for sponsors or donations so that this can become a reality. I recently found out that someone very close to me suffers deeply with depression and feels so alone. These people should know that there is a place whether they have money or not.

One day I would like there to be various organisations all over the world for all sorts of people but for now I want to start with the platform and the informative talks at clinics/high schools and so on.

Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.

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Donation Total: R50.00