I run a daycare centre for children with severe and profound multiple disabilities. The daycare is specifically for children from poor families, who cannot afford the high costs of special care centres and schools. Some children use wheelchairs and others can walk. Due to the severity of the children’s conditions, public transport system doesn’t accommodate the kids, so we hire taxi cabs to ensure the children travel in a comfortable and dignified manner. As a non-funded organisation, we struggle to see to the other needs of the children, like buying food, nappies and multi-sensory equipment.
The taxi cab costs R6 000 per month, and all the school fee money pays the taxi cab. We feed the kids with what people donate to us. Our daycare name is ON THE SPARROW DAYCARE. Please feel free to check our Facebook page.
We would really appreciate your help, as we strive to give these kids the best care, education and stimulation.
Thank you