I am the last born of 3 children; both my parents have been unemployed for over 5 years now. I am the first in the family to attend University on a full-time basis and should obtain my degree in a year and a few months, in Human Genetics.
Beginning of February 2018, I lost my bursary from the National Student Funding Aid Scheme (NSFAS), of which I have sent an appeal and since then I have not gotten a reply. I am 2 months behind with rent with absolutely no funding, owing to a total of R7 200. Before moving into the student accommodation I am currently residing in, I took out a loan from a loan shark of R10 500 to pay for administration fees, key deposit, deposit and first month’s rent. My family and I managed to pay back some of the money (with the added 30% interested) by asking family members for help, but a further 20% was added on the remaining amount because payment was late so a total of R7 660 is still to be paid. So in total, an amount of R14 860 is outstanding. Currently, I am also depending on friends to provide meals and toiletries for me.
I am expected to leave my residence with immediate effect since rent payment has not been made. I am in need of these funds as soon as possible and I would appreciate the help immensely. I have applied for a few jobs, but none have given me a reply. If anyone can help me with this, I would truly appreciate it, because you are helping another young women accomplish her dreams. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I know I would not be able to get through this without your help. This also helps relieve stress from my family in ensuring that I have a roof over my head and that I can further my studies to the best of my ability.
I thank you all.