R0 of R100 000 raised

Growing up, my mother had to raise me alone without the help of a father figure. I was a child conceived by rape, and my mother always tried her best to keep food on the table and a roof over our head. I was never a child that relied on material things in life, nice clothes and fancy phones and toys that other children had. She worked different jobs and even two jobs at the same time. I thank my mother for doing this, she’s a very strong woman, and now I am all grown up and have to stand on my own two feet.

I work as a cashier, but unfortunately, I don’t earn enough money to pay for my studies. My dream is to become a skin and beauty specialist, but can’t afford it. I would like to ask if someone can please help me and make my dream come true, I know it won’t happen overnight, please help me.

Thank you.

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Donation Total: R1.00