R0 of R40 000 raised

Please help us to save our home.

Due to Covid-19, we lost our jobs and was unable to keep up with our household payments. We fell behind on our bond and other expenses. The bank is wanting to repossess the house and we will be evicted.

Covid-19 really affected our lives and I am not sure if we can recover. I do have faith and am asking for any help to be able to provide for my family.

We have 1 child and I am currently pregnant.

I don’t wish our situation on anyone and are hoping that other people do understand.

We appreciate any help we can receive to keep a roof over our heads.

Thank you

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Donation Total: R100.00 One Time

NB: Kindly note, donations are non-refundable, thank you.

Fundraising, Crowdfunding, Click ‘n Donate Worldwide, Fundraising South Africa, Crowdfunding USA, Crowdfunding UK, Fundraising Australia, Fundraising New Zealand,, gofundmeSA, gofundmeSouthAfrica, crowdfunding fundraising South Africa, Click n Donate, Go fund me, Backabuddy, Thundafund, Indiegogo, gogetfunding